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Fine Tuning Occupational Therapy specialises in working with children 0-18 years. We aim to help children with a range of abilities by Fine Tuning areas of difficulties and building up core foundation, core skills.  ​

The main areas covered include:

  • Fine motor co-ordination: This refers to the small muscles of the hand and fingers to achieve complex, co-ordinated movements. This can also be referred to as fine motor dexterity. Examples would include: manipulating small objects in a skilled way such as fastening buttons,, opening a container, holding a pencil for writing/drawing and threading. 

  • Gross motor co-ordination: This refers to moving the larger muscles of the body in a co-ordinated manner. Examples include: running, jumping, hopping, skipping, crawling and sitting upright. 

  • Behavioural management: this involves analysing certain difficult or maladaptive behaviours in context and working with a team of professionals (allied health, teacher, parents etc) to formulate a behaviour management plan that can then be implemented in the environment in which the difficulties are occurring. 

  • Handwriting: This covers finger/hand/wrist strength, pen/pencil grip as well as analysing and correcting letter formations, directionality, spatial organisation and letter placement. To achieve functional handwriting, core stability and a good environmental set up are imperative. 

  • Cognitive retraining: This refers to any higher order, executive functioning difficulities, usually post trauma or injury. Some examples include: concentration, attention and problem solving.

  • Sensory regulation and integration: The sensory system is very complex and can be explained through 7 domains, the 7 senses. Sensory integration is a method catering to the individual's sensory system and preferences to help them achieve a regulated state. This is usually done by adjusting the frequency, duration and type of sensory input in the way of a "Sensory Diet'. 

  • Self-help skills: This refers to the level of independence around daily tasks such as eating, drinking, getting dressed,, toileting etc. 


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